Dune Health

A network of primary care clinics for high-quality, affordable care with top physicians, powered by AI agents that help patients stay healthy.

How would you best describe your company/business in a few words?

Dune Health is reinventing primary care in the US by seamlessly merging artificial intelligence and clinical medicine. 

Can you briefly introduce the team?

Quentin Soulet (CEO) - Founder of Dreem, he built a digital sleep clinic from scratch, treated thousands of patients, and exited the business to Sunrise.

Adrian Gonzalez (CTO) - First employee and CTO of Owkin, an AI biotech unicorn. He has 12 years of experience as CTO in tech and healthcare startups.

Taylor Martin (CMO) - Johns Hopkins-trained doctor specializing in preventive medicine, with research in AI and clinical informatics at UCLA.

Gaby Gonzalez (COO) - Former BCG and Stanford MBA. She led operations at several high-growth startups and became VP of Ops at Frubana, a unicorn food marketplace.

Mathias Adam (Design) - Founder or principal designer of BeReal, Ultrahuman, Brut, Cowboy, and Cadence. He is also the sole European scout for a16z.

Donald Jones (Chairman) - Founder of Qualcomm Life, with 40 years of healthcare experience, and former COO of one of the largest medical groups in the US.

Can you elaborate on what you do?‍

Our approach: 

  • Augmented Care: With AI support, our doctors can do more. They can treat simple cases like rashes or the flu, but also manage complex conditions like hypertension, diabetes, or sleep disorders. Increasing revenue per visit by 120%.
  • Patient Health Assistant: Every patient has a personal AI health assistant, available 24/7 to screen symptoms, give recommendations, and build lasting relationships to drive engagement. 
  • Fully Automated ‘Mini-clinics’: AI tools can automate the back office and reduce medical staff costs by 50%. Clinics are much smaller (~500 sq. ft.) and can be deployed on a large scale with low CAPEX.

Why does your solution matter? And why today?

In the US, we spend $4,500 billion annually on healthcare, making it the world's largest industry by far. Despite this, our life expectancy ranks 58th globally, signifying deep inefficiencies in our system.

The root of this paradox is primary care. It should be the core of our health system, where the best doctors partner with patients to help them stay healthy or coordinate the care they need. Yet only 6% of of healthcare spending goes to primary care, and doctors can't cope with the scale of the problem.

An optimal primary care system is built on three pillars.

  1. The entry door: diagnose early and treat simple cases
  2. The pivot: coordinate and refer to relevant specialists
  3. The partner: build lifelong relationships and promote prevention

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence present unprecedented opportunities to elevate primary care. By merging the expertise of healthcare professionals with the capabilities of AI, we can bridge the gap and bring primary care where it should be.

Can you tell me where the idea came from?‍

The idea for Dune Health came from Quentin’s experience with Dreem. We saw that AI could scale clinics, and the greatest opportunity for impact is in primary care. After speaking with patients and doctors, we refined the concept into Dune Health.

Can you tell me about some achievements and challenges you’re meeting?‍

We assembled one of the best teams in the world and opened our first clinic in 6 months.

‍What excites you the most about building a company in general and this company in particular?‍

Building a company means solving real problems. Dune excites me because we can truly transform healthcare, making it more accessible, efficient, and effective for everyone.

How do you see the company in 8 to 10 years?

Healthcare today is very fragmented, with inconsistent quality depending on location. AI can break down these barriers, creating the first truly scalable clinics. Our goal is to make the best care available everywhere to everyone. We want Dune to become the global leader in primary care, with our doctors and AI delivering exceptional care to all

What is the best way to contact someone in your team and become a user?‍

You can go to our website to book an appointment online or in one of our clinics.

How can we stay updated on your journey? (newsletters, social media, other channels)?

Right now, we're focused on perfecting our first clinic. We’re operating in stealth mode but will begin sharing updates soon.